Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Methods Section Report Rubric Lab Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Techniques Section Rubric - Lab Report Example The water was included until the towels got immersed and could no longer hold extra water. The heaviness of the soaked paper towels was likewise gauged and recorded. The heaviness of water held by the paper towels was controlled by getting the distinction between the heaviness of the wet and dry paper towels (Baxter, Shavelson, Goldman, and Pine4). This distinction in weight was recorded for each kind of paper towel. The methodology was rehashed multiple times for each kind of paper towel to acquire nine reproduces. The outcomes were recorded in a table. A completely soaked paper towel of each kind was utilized as positive control for each imitate to decide a standard degree of immersion before taking weight estimations. The theory was tried by getting the normal and aggregate sum of water held by each kind of paper towel. The conclusive outcomes (normal and sums) were then thought about for the two kinds of paper towels. The sort of paper towel that held the most elevated measure of water was respected the most spongy towel. Baxter, Gail P., Richard J. Shavelson, Susan R. Goldman, and Jerry Pine. Assessment of Procedure-Based Scoring for Hands-On Science Assessment. Journal of Educational Measurement 29.1 (1992): 1-17.

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